Monday, March 5, 2012


Reading these after a stressful week made my day a whole lot better. I'd like to share the love that my clients have been showing me ;p
Number Two Lover has left a new comment on your post "New in Store! Vintage LOVE :)": 

My friend just bought from your site weeks ago! I was only able to publish my post now since I waited for her on-hand pics, but wala pala siyang camera :)) It's posted here. :) Thanks for making my friend happy with her buys! ^^

Almira :)

and another one after the break :)

Hi! From all the shops I've bought from online, you are the first one to have given such clear instructions. Thank you so much for that. I wish I had shopped from your shop when I was still new here. I would have been a lucky beginner if I shopped from your online store for me to have avoided confusions and mistakes from being a first timer in online shopping.. Haha. Thank you, though. Please expect my payment on or being Tuesday next week. Would that be alright? :) Thank you once again.

wrote today at 4:00 AM
i don't think i can tell you enough that your online store is one of the best things i've ever come across on the internet XD

Thanks girls for all the support that you've given us even from our "Plethora Shop" days, we will always strive to give you the prettiest, most affordable vintage clothes and accessories and the best customer service. Because without you guys, our store won't be as successful as it is today :)  


(Plethora Shop/ Ombre Vintage)

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